Friday, June 5, 2009

How to Control Hunger

Hunger is a feeling experienced when one has a desire to eat. The often unpleasant feeling originates in the hypothalamus and is released through receptors in the liver. Although an average nourished individual can survive weeks without food intake, the sensation of hunger typically begins after a couple of hours without eating and is generally considered quite uncomfortable. The sensation of hunger can often be alleviated and even mitigated entirely with the consumption of food. Hunger is also the most commonly used term to describe the social condition of people who frequently experience, or live with the threat of experiencing, the physical sensation of hunger.

Dieting is much easier once you learn to control hunger throughout the day. Over the past decade, a variety of products have come to market to control hunger. One popular way many dieters are suppressing their appetites is by drinking protein shakes as replacement meals. The more protein you take in, the more fat your body will burn.

Natural Appetite Control is a stimulant-free method for controlling appetite and excess hunger that can hamper the ability to sustain a long-term weight management program. A recently published study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that overweight adults who followed a program of modest caloric restriction achieved significant reductions in body fat mass in just six months, while improving the ability of cells to normally utilize insulin. The only effective weight loss program is one in which the excess weight is lost and not ever regained.

However, there are indeed safe and practical alternatives to these dangerous hunger control supplements:

-#Fibers: Do you know that there are several types of foods which are rich in fiber? If you eat such foods frequently, suppressing your appetite and getting rid of hunger would be as easy as pie for you, since fiber keeps you full for a long time. Besides, fiber-rich foods also keep you from gaining weight by maintaining your normal blood sugar level. One such food is the good old apple.

-#Hoodia Gordonii: Right now, one of the most trusted herbal appetite suppressants is the supplement made from Hoodia. Not only is it able to prevent you from binge eating because of its appetite reduction mechanism, it also makes you feel full. When taken properly, hunger control is possible, and your weight loss goals can be achieved with less pain.

-#Exercise: Exercise can also help you control your appetite and weight, and it has a number of other positive health effects. Exercise and eating the right foods are instrumental as well, but if you are hungry all of the time you will likely eat more than you should.

-#Acai Berry: Many claims regarding this berry purport its capacity to suppress hunger while helping raise the body's metabolic rate. Hunger suppression comes from its high nutritional content, which leaves a person feeling full hours after consumption because of the substantial amounts of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and fats that it contains.

To keep weight off for a long period of time you have to be commited and stay in your healthy ways. For a long time it has been controversial whether individuals on healthy diets need nutritional supplementation. Proper Diet should be the cornerstone of health while nutritional supplementation is intended to provide the complement that diet requires to ensure a healthy lifestyle for you. We know that efficient nutritional supplementation is not about how much you take, it's how much your body really absorbs.

Read About Quick Weight Loss also Read about Hoodia Gordonii and How to Control Hunger

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